HEAL, Organizations for Health Action, is a coalition of 40 national health organizations dedicated to improving the health of Canadians and the quality of care they receive. Our members are professional associations of regulated health care providers and organizations of health charities that provide a range of health care services across Canada.
Created in 1991, HEAL now represents more than 650,000 providers (and consumers) of health care. HEAL, as an organization, is uniquely positioned to champion issues and innovations that shape and reshape health care at the national level. A key focus for HEAL is the promotion of sustainable solutions and health system transformations for lasting impact on the health and well- being of all Canadians.
As a national coalition, HEAL decisions are based on a consensus-based approach. The coalition meets four times per year with the objectives of:
Sharing information
across organizations
Working on strategic issues that are of importance to all members; and,
Meeting with external organizations to discuss policy issues of mutual interest and importance.

As part of the evolving national health policy environment, HEAL meets with a number of organizations focused on key national health issues, such as mental health, health care improvement, opioids, pharmacare, seniors care and other priority health topics. HEAL is in constant contact with senior officials from Health Canada, relevant Ministers and Members of Parliament. Additionally, HEAL engages regularly with leaders from other national health organizations and coalitions to discuss issues of shared interest.